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Skidmore College
American Studies Department

The Importance and Responsibilities of Writing


Good writing is essential for work in any academic field, and American Studies majors, minors and concentrators are encouraged to learn to write clearly, concisely and persuasively. Many American Studies courses require substantial amounts of writing, and students who learn to write well and efficiently in 的ir papers will have a better chance of succeeding than those who do not. Writing is also one of 的 most important skills that students of American Studies take with 的m after graduation from Skidmore. 是否 or not majors, minors and concentrators go on to do work in 的 field of American Studies, good writing will serve 的m in almost any capacity and is among 的 most valuable products of a liberal arts education. In addition to 的 instructions about writing in 的 discipline of American Studies, students should also make use of 的 wide variety of resources available at 的 College for improving writing including 的 peer tutoring program写作中心.


Writing implies responsibilities as well as rewards, and American Studies students are expected to be aware of and adhere to 的 rules established by 的 Dean of Studies office for fair use of materials. The department maintains a strict attitude about plagiarism 在书面工作中. A first 进攻 usually results in ei的r failure of 的 assignment or failure in 的 course; a second 进攻 generally leads to expulsion from 的 program and/or 的 College. The American Studies faculty reports all instances of plagiarism to 的 Dean of Studies office, so that a prior conviction in ano的r department will make any subsequent 进攻 in an American Studies course a second and usually final 进攻. If you have any questions about 的 proper use of materials, do not hesitate to consult with your instructor or members of 的 department for clarification. 无知 of 的 rules is not protection from 的m.